Fixed uPVC Windows & Doors

Excellent Sealing

Since there is no openable part or any motion in this design, it provides the best insulation among all door and window designs.

Upto 40mm Glazing Options

With vaious combinations of beading systems, this design can accomodate glazing from 4mm to 40mm - glass, PVC board, HPL sheet.

Maximum Sound Insulation

As a subset of openable casement design and due to no openable part this design offers the maximum sound and thermal insulation.

Design Features

More Noise Reduction

Offers excellent sealing due to gasketing and beading systems and use of high quality silicon sealants.

Better Thermal Insulation

Stops heat from entering and excaping due to its non-conducting properties. Provides excellet insulation when used with insulated glass.

U-V Resistent

No effects from Ultra-Voilet rays due to the use of high quality U-V Stablizers and additives.

100% Lead Free

No VOC or Lead ensures health and safety. 100% certified green product.

Enhanced Security

Use of multi-point locking systems, anti-lift locks, internal beading design ensures extra safety against burglary.

10 Year Warranty

All uPVC Doors and Windows framing profiles come with 10 years warranty against discoloration, crakcing & bending, and other manufacturing defects.

Flame Retardent

Does not support active combustion and hence does not spread fire and therefore its a flame retardant material.

Termite Proof

No effect of termite or corrosion due to polymer base

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Doors / Windows Textures

uPVC Doors and Windows are available in multiple colors.

White Finish
Pristine / Tropical White
Oak Finish
Golden / Light Oak
Nut Tree Finish
Nut Tree / Walnut
Mahogany Finish
Mahogany / Rosewood